Now the People — From the Crisis to Global Justice

21 06 2010
Now the People — From the Crisis to Global Justice
19 June 2010: One thousand delegates representing 176 million members from 155 countries and territories will take part in the Second World Congress of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). They will deal with issues related to labour’s demands for restructuring and reform of the global economy with an emphasis on workers’ rights, migrant workers, climate change and HIV-AIDS.

Speakers and panelists expected at the Congress include Juan Somavia, director general of the International Labour Organization, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Pascal Lamy, director-general of the World Trade Organization, and Helen Clark, administrator of the United Nations Development Programme.

A number of labour leaders involved in the June 2010 ITUC Congress will also participate at meetings with G8 and G20 political leaders in Ontario immediately following the ITUC event.

OPENING PRESS CONFERENCE Monday 21 June at 8:30am Vancouver Convention Centre – Ballroom A, 1st floor With: ITUC General Secretary Guy Ryder, ITUC President Sharan Burrow, Canadian Labour Congress President Ken Georgetti